Our heart for adoption...

God: "That is your son." 
Me: "You talking to me?"
God: "That is your son."
Me: "Well, alrighty then."

Yep. Sometimes God rocks your world. He totally rocked mine about 4 months ago when I saw this precious face on a friend's Facebook page. 

I saw his dimples, his grin, and read his story, and completely lost all composure. I sobbed. Not just sobbed, but wept as though this were my son who had been passed over and over again and was begging to be noticed. I wept because he was. If you have adopted, you get it. If not, it sounds crazy. Trust me, I understand this.

I showed his picture to Tyler and could barely get the words out. "Look at this."
He looked at it and read his story. "What do we need to do to find out more?"
I immediately reached out to the adoption agency and inquired about him, and the process began.

For those who question our sanity, let me say this...how sane would we be to ignore a calling God has clearly put on our hearts? That's insane.


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